On Thursday, December 1, 2022

Q&As with Tyler Odneal
Tyler, you’ve been at AHT since 2013. Tell us about the progression you’ve had in your career throughout the years.
I started as a part-timer in May of 2013 while going to college at the University of Northern Iowa. I worked full-time in the spring of 2014 and then left temporarily in 2016 to pursue another opportunity. When a technician position opened up at AHT, I came back, and now I am a production supervisor for second shift.
As the 2nd shift supervisor, what does a typical day look like for you?
Normally I start my day out communicating with 1st shift. Most of the people on 2nd know the ins and outs of our scheduling so it isn’t as much directing people what to work on, but more so helping out and giving guidance on different jobs. I still try to be active on doing jobs myself, helping where needed; I also train others and communicate with customers.
Editor’s Note: The MidPort Blvd. location in Waterloo, Iowa where Tyler works offers the following heat treatments: Ion Nitriding, Gas Nitriding, Ferritic Nitrocarburizing, UltraOx®, Stress Relieve, Tempering/Drawing, Annealing, Precipitation Hardening and more.
You’ve had some big life milestones lately. (Congrats!) For those that don’t know, can you fill them in?
I got married to my wife Kyleah in May of 2021, bought a new house in August of 2021 and our daughter, Avery, was born January 2022. Nothing can really ever prepare you for the changes in being a parent, you just learn new things as you go and it has been an amazing 11 months.
What is one thing people may not know about you?
I do not like to travel. I’m a home body through and through. Never really like to be farther than an hour from home. Not that I’m scared of flying or anything, I just really enjoy being at home with my family and relaxing.
What is one thing people may not know about AHT?
People may not know the number of different industries and companies we do parts for – aerospace, agriculture, automotive, construction, firearms, oil/gas, tooling, etc. Whenever anyone asks where I work, they just assume we only do work for the ag industry.
What advice would you give our customers?
Be very clear with paperwork. Then we don’t have to call or email trying to find out more details, which reduces any potential delays and results in quicker turnaround.
Also, we’re always here to help. Whether it’s timing of processing or intricate details, we have team members who will go the extra mile to make that happen.
Since we are going into the holiday season, what’s your favorite holiday song?
I love Christmas music so there’s a few, but my favorite would have to be “Let it Snow”.
You’ve been on some Forward Thinking teams that have proposed new projects/equipment at AHT. Tell us about your experience in those.
Forward Thinking projects involve multiple people from different departments. Sometimes you have to do outside contact, time studies, physical labor and more. The rewarding part is getting to work with individuals so driven to push AHT in a more efficient direction. So many people here pour their heart and soul into their work and it is really awesome to be apart of that.
Now some quick questions:
- Favorite food: My mom’s cheesy rice and pork chops
- Least favorite food: Cornbread
- First job: Farm hand in Readlyn
- Favorite sport: Football
- Favorite team: Kansas City Chiefs
- Best road trip: Road trip to Nashville with my wife for our honeymoon
- Best concert: Hardy
- Best movie: Shawshank Redemption
- College Attended: University of Northern Iowa
- Married? Yes
- Kids? Daughter, Avery Jo
- Pets? 7 year old American Bulldog, Dozer. We also rescued a cat 2 years back named Kelce
Have a Question for Tyler Odneal? Give him a call at 319-232-5221.
- meet midport
- meet the team