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15+ Years of AHT Loyalty - 2022

Advanced Heat Treat Corp. has some of the most loyal and experienced employees. Below are current employees with 15+ years at AHT - our "Fifteen Plus Club."

posted On Friday, December 30, 2022 in Blog

Advanced Heat Treat Corp. takes pride and values the years that its employees have been with the company. To recognize employees for their loyalty, AHT has a "15+ Club" for employees that have been with the company for 15 years or longer. At the end of the year, these employees are treated to a special celebration and welcome the newest members to the club. Roughly 26% of AHT employees have over two decades worth of experience providing our customers with UltraGlowing results.

Major anniversaries that were recognized this year included:

  • 25 Years

    • Travis Krieger – Production Supervisor
    • Adam Dehl – Regional Sales Manager
    • Laura Bohlen – Accounting Coordinator & Materials Planner
  • 15 Years

    • Chase Gibbs – Quality Specialist
    • Mike Sellers – Aerospace Process Coordinator
    • Tim Garner – Plant Manager
    • Jill Manning – Accountant
    • Tony Duffy – Maintenance Technician
    • Nick Lewis – Process Specialist/Lab Supervisor

*** Names that are purple are hyperlinked to go to the employee's "Meet the Team" blog. 

All the employees below are currently employed at Advanced Heat Treat Corp. (AHT) and have been for fifteen years or more. That's a lot of heat treat knowledge and experience!

2022 Advanced Heat Treat 15 Plus Club

Pictured from left to right:
Row 1: Gary Sharp, Tom Hingtgen, Darrell Boike, Janet Kern, Edward Rolinski, Kurt Gleason, Scot Clay, Jeff Machcinski
Row 2: Mickey Dahmoun, Travis Krieger, Adam Dehl, Laura Bohlen, Shannon Conaway, Joel Oltrogge, Dan Sager, Bill Cowell
Row 3: James Wellborn, Joel Robinson, Jeremy Elbert, Tom Broman, Adam Kane, Joe Patava, Chad Clark, Kody Kottke
Row 4: Carlos Urzagaste, Gayla Hoppenworth, Jason Essmann, Steve Pasker, Mike Woods, Trent Vesper, Dan Hurley, Josh Wagner
Row 5: Chase Gibbs, Mike Sellers, Tim Garner, Jill Manning, Tony Duffy, Nick Lewis

15 Plus Club 2022

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