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Meet Chad Clark

At Advanced Heat Treat Corp. (AHT), we want you to know the people you're doing business with, so we've started a "Meet the Team" blog series. Get to know our employees' professional background, daily responsibilities, hobbies and more. This month, we introduce you to our Plant Manager in Monroe, MI: Chad.

posted On Monday, August 6, 2018 in Blog

Chad Clark, AHT Plant Manager

Q&As with Chad Clark

Chad, how long have you worked at Advanced Heat Treat Corp (AHT)?

I have been with Advanced Heat Treat since 2003 (October). I’ve held a variety of roles within the organization including Lab Technician, Regional Sales Manager, Operations Manager and Quality Excellence Manager. Having held these multiple positions has helped me understand the entire process and allows me to answer the various questions posed during a meeting, sales call, etc. with our customers.

As a Plant Manager, what advice would you give customers about heat treating or materials?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions; the more you ask the better we can help you get what you need and the more information you can provide us is going to ensure we process your parts correctly.

Visit our facility at any time. We are proud of our facility and want you to know who has your parts and how they are handled while at AHT.

When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your free time?

My wife and I like to travel and are hoping to go to Alaska.

I try and play golf 2 times a week.

What professional accomplishment are you most proud of?

How far that I have come within the organization. The support I receive on a daily basis from all levels of the organization is amazing. It takes all of us to be successful and my colleagues at AHT provide me with support on a daily basis. We are not only co-workers, but friends as well. (Editor's Note: One of AHT's core values is teamwork and this is a prime example.)

What is one thing people may not know about Chad Clark?

I was the 1987 Michigan State Muzzleloading Junior State Champion.

What is one thing people may not know about AHT?

We have four (4) locations with extreme diversity in our processing capabilities. Here at Monroe, we’ve processed parts as long as 31.5’.

Now, a series of quick random questions:

Favorite Book: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption

First Job: McDonald’s

Favorite Food: Ice Cream

Person Who Has Influenced You: My Dad

Favorite Vacation: Hawaii (this is where my wife and I were married)

Finally, why should people do business with AHT and what sets AHT apart from the competition?

We truly care about our customers. I know it is very cliché to say but the people at AHT truly care about our customers and their product. The passion that is shown on a daily basis never ceases to amaze me.

Have a question for Chad Clark? Call him at 319-291-3395 or connect on LinkedIn.

  1. meet monroe
  2. meet the team