On Monday, April 22, 2019

The way that the manufacturing industry interacts with the environment has changed greatly through the years. During the industrial revolution, many U.S. companies spewed toxins into the environment with little regard, or knowledge, to the damage they were doing. As little as ten years ago, many players in the industry still employed primarily fossil fuels to drive their processes. Now, the industry has started to shift - more companies are using alternative power sources and environmentally-friendly practices to become true partners within the local communities they operate. As an added benefit, companies are also starting to realize that incorporating these practices can often lead to better efficiencies in their processes that translate to cost savings.
Advanced Heat Treat Corp. (AHT) is committed to a constant effort to always improve our environmentally-friendly practices, and to continue to be a community partner. Below you can read more about 5 of the things we are doing today to help the world have a better tomorrow.

1. The Advanced Heat Treat Recycling Program
Advanced Heat Treat has instituted a corporate-wide recycling program in an effort to reduce waste. In addition to the standard recyclable items people normally think of, we also recycle batteries, lights and cardboard. At certain points during each year, employees are rewarded with special event days as an output from our recycling efforts.
2. The Ion Nitriding Process does not Emit Waste
We are proud that the primary process that Advanced Heat Treat Corp. was founded upon, UltraGlow ion nitriding, does not release any toxins into the environment. Our employees take pride in knowing that we can help meet our customers’ needs without polluting the environment.

3. Advanced Heat Treat’s Ground Water Cooling System
When the Advanced Heat Treat corporate facility as built in 1999, it was designed with the environment in mind. One of the major environmentally-friendly design aspects is our ground water cooling system. This system allows our production areas to be cooled by using recycled ground water.

4. Advanced Heat Treat’s Usage of Wind Energy
We are proud that over 50% of the power that Advanced Heat Treat uses is derived from wind energy. While the use of large amounts of energy are necessary to our processes, we want the power to come from clean energy sources.
5. The AHT Community Involvement Program
The Advanced Heat Treat community involvement program allows employees to take time away from work to help with community-based initiatives. Some of the employees who take advantage of the program have used this time on environmentally-friendly initiatives. One employee who is active in tree planting efforts plans to utilize the program to support that cause.
Have questions about Advanced Heat Treat Corp. or its Environmentally-Friendly Processes?